Being Thin is Healthy

Being Thin is Healthy

Building Muscle is the Healthy Way to Gain Size

Some people say that ‘too skinny’ people need to gain weight, but many skinny people are actually healthy people. If you have been pressured by the ‘overweight’ society to think that you are 'too skinny', do not listen to them. The public is so used to seeing overweight people that they do not know what healthy people looks like anymore. The longest living people in the world are skinny. There are no overweight people that live over 100 years old. It has been scientifically proved that what lengthens a life is caloric restriction which means eating less. You do not really need lots of food, just eat when you are hungry, which is not really indulging in sugar, fatty foods, etc. Instead, eat a well-balanced plant-based diet to get all the nourishing that you need. If you are still worried about fulfilling your nutritional needs get natural quality supplements like plant-based protein, vitamin C, collagen, sea moss, etc. to mix it with your smoothies. Also, you can pick nutritional herbs in the wild, but get well-informed by reading a good book about what plants that are edible and beneficial to humans. Bitter is good, it cleans the liver and helps you get healthier and cleaner and live longer. To sweeten it up, put pineapples and dates.


So, there are four ways to gain size:


Fat - Eating too much sugar, wheat, dairy… And no exercise. Three meals a day and snacks in between, so the insulin levels are high all the time and you never have the time to work it off. Then, you will look rounded and bloated.

Muscle - Send signals to your body that muscles need to be built, and the only way to do that is by practicing weight-bearing exercises. This way you become better good-looking with more size.

Water – When you drink too much water with its salts and other minerals you may start looking puffy.

Parasites - The organisms that parasitize humans include fungi, viruses, protozoa, tapeworm, bad bacteria, mold, and fungus that grows inside a person who eats unhealthy food like sugar, bread, wheat, dairy, and animal products. So, you are breeding this stuff inside you, then yeast outnumbers probiotics wreaking havoc on your gut.


Therefore, if you want to get bigger, building muscle is the healthiest way. Toned muscles make your body beautiful. Really good-looking people usually have chiselled and angular features. If you work out your muscles, they will start using fat for energy and your fat will get reduced. 


Moreover, not every skinny person is healthy. Some skinny people are mal-nourished, not getting the nutrition that their body needs. The body has its intelligence to know what is nutritious and what is not. For example, baked food is dead food as it has been heated over 118 F – 45 C, and enzymes have been eliminated. If you eat dead food, your body is not going to want to absorb it.  If you eat a lot of wheat and dairy products, your body is going to create a coating of mucus that lines your whole digestive system to protect you from these bad foods. After a while that mucus will get hard and create a plaque which will prevent healthier foods to be absorbed as well. Therefore, you need to eat the right food, food that is found in nature, raw living food. Nothing in nature is heated over 118 ºF, 45 ºC.


The process of getting nutrition starts with chewing your food, until it’s mashed and only then you swallow it. Even if you blend your food, still chew it to produce digestive enzymes. The problem is that people eat for the satisfaction of the taste and the texture, and they shallow the food without chewing it properly. Remember that your stomach has no teeth, so it has a hard time breaking foods down if you do not masticate them thoroughly. Also, chewing releases pre-digestive enzymes which help to have a good digestion. Then, the acid in your stomach melts your food and produces more digestive enzymes, along with the liver and the pancreas. All these enzymes break down your food to help your body absorb nutrients. Sugar weakens stomach acid, along with stress, not going to bed early, eating late, going to bed with a full stomach... The sugar is also going to be feeding the yeast which will turn into fungus creating other health issues. So, you must rebuild your stomach acids with holistic treatments.


When the food gets to your liver, it creates bile that breaks down the fats. The liver and kidneys are your filters in your body, so, if you eat unhealthily (saturated fats, canned food, fried food, animal protein, sugar, calcium pills, alkaline water which neutralises your stomach acids, etc.) your filters will get clogged. Also, make sure that you have healthy plant protein that does not hurt your kidney. If you are worried about proteins, these are found in plant foods too (nuts, durian, peas, hemp, chlorella...). Then, your food gets into your intestinal tracks, which ‘pores’ absorb the nutrients into your blood stream. The food gets through the probiotics, the friendly bacteria, that break down fiber and makes the process more absorbable. The main food supply for probiotics is fiber. So, if you cook your food, which reduces its fiber, or eat foods with no fiber like animal products, you will starve your probiotics, so these will not help digest your food. That is another reason for low absorption in nutrients.

Therefore, you need fiber from fresh fruit & vegs as your probiotics are 70% of your immune system and these help your food assimilate into your body. Start eating food that you find in nature in the plant kingdom, whole foods: fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds. So, you got to clean out your body and only put good food back in and you will see how fast you start feeling more energetic. If you are low in energy that is a sign that your system is clogged up.

Moreover, you can eat great food but if your body does not need it, it is going to spit it back out, your body is not going to gain size if it does not need to. The body is going to take only what it needs. So, if your body is clean and capable of absorbing nutrients properly but you are not gaining size it is because you are not working out. Remember that there are two reasons why you may be hungry: you are eating unhealthy food, or you are eating healthy food and building muscle. Listen to your body as it is smart and knows what to do. Give it what it needs, treat it well and you will have a long beautiful life with no health issues, and you will be your ideal size and weight.